Smart Selling To The Heart Requires 6 Steps

1. Get The Prospect's Attention
Use your head to break the preoccupation barrier of your prospects they stop thinking about what they are thinking and focus on you and how you can help them.
2. Deep Discovery
Get interested in what the prospect wants with your head and heart. Ask yourself how you can help them. Remember your client will pick up on your feelings. They will feel you are either there to help them or that you are there because you “have to” make the sale. When you are intellectually and emotionally involved with their interest, they will be intellectually and emotionally involved with you. It’s also important to assess the emotional energy of the prospect during the discovery process. If any negative emotions are present, remember to neutralize them before you present anything.
Tips: Use your heart to "see" negative emotions
- Is the client not saying anything while you are talking?
- Do they have their hands crossed, are they leaning back away from you?
- What are the facial expressions telling you?
Use your heart to "listen" for negative emotions.
- What is the level of engagement in the conversation, are they asking questions or being quiet?
- What's the tone of their voice when they speak?
- Do they speak with power or hesitation?
- Does the client sound bored, angry, annoyed, pensive, distracted, or pessimistic?
If so, ask more questions! Find out why.
The purpose of discovery is to help the prospect explore a new idea to help them get what they want. The most common negative emotions most buyers experience is either fear/apprehension or skepticism/remorse. Fear is in their imagination about something that“could happen” in the future and skepticism is in their imagination based on something that happened in the past or perhaps from something they heard from another person who had an unpleasant experience. Remember neither is real.
The best bridge to rapport is to give the buyer acknowledgment and validation of what they are feeling so your buyer feels heard and understood. i.e. “What I hear you saying is...” or “It’sunderstandable that you would feel that way.”Remove any misunderstandings from interpretations, assumptions, or limiting beliefs. Once those are removed you can suggest new ideas on how they can get what they want.
3. Uncover Desire And Motive
A WANTalways trumps a NEED in the game of sales because it typically is emotionally charged with desire. People buy for one of two reasons, to gain a profit and/or to avoid a loss.
Always ask, “What is it that you really WANT?” Why?
Tony Robbins states your mind and motives are driven by pain or pleasure. Some examples of motives are an achievement, power, recognition/praise, security, safety, personal aspirations, goals, or interests. Examples of emotions to positively activate and engage your buyer include anticipation, enthusiasm, admiration, peace, serenity, and joy.
Tips: You may ask:
- "What would be the best-case scenario for you personally to solve the problem based on current circumstances?"
- "What do you like about the current circumstances?"
- "If there was one think you could do to improve upon them, or take them to the next level, what would that be?"
- "Why is that important to you?"
- "What does that mean to you?"
4. Prepare Your Sales Argument And Present The Solution With Showmanship To Activate The Buyer's Positive Emotions In The Process.
Use the client's desire and motive to paint a clear vision in the buyer's mind of their desire being fulfilled by acquisition of your product. Ex: "Let's pretend you now have what you want - what does it look like? How do you feel?"
- Be confident in your ability to sell
- Visualize the happy client and getting the signed agreement before you meet
- Anticipate what objections you may have and be ready to remove them by adding value during the discovery process
- Feel how you are going to feel buy having a happy, excited, satisfied client
5. Ask For The Order
Ask: "Are you good with this? When can we begin?"
When they say yes, make sure to provide the client with a statement of reassurance. Anticipate any negative remarks they may hear from colleagues, family, neighbors, & friends that might cause them to have buyers remorse. When they say no, remember this: Most often buyers will give the seller the surface reason for not wanting to buy the product, the one that sounds good, the professionals dig deeper to find the real one and ask, “why? And addition to that, what else?" Sell to remove the real objection.
6. Give Outstanding Service
You will want your clients to become your biggest fans and source of referrals. Examine your process for ensuring the highest possible service, the extra personal touch that will make them feel appreciated and special and give your best!
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